A helicopter and a light aircraft have crashed in the Mont Blanc Massif Yesterday, Friday 25/01.
The crash took place high above the Rutor glacier near the ski resort of La Thuile.
At least five people have been killed in the crash on the French-Italian border of the Aosta Valley.
The Rutor Glacier is the second largest in the Val d’Aosta region, covering 9 square kilometers.
The light aircraft left Megève Altiport earlier in the day carrying 3 people onboard, 1 Pilot + 2 Students.
The pilot miraculously survived the horrible crash, and even though he was in extreme pain with trauma to his shoulder and a spinal dislocation, he still found the strength to sound the alarm.
Two helicopters were scrambled to the scene of the crash, were 2 people were air lifted to hospital and one is still missing.
The helicopter was on a heli-ski outing at the time of the crash, the area is famous for easy access heli skiing.
The cause of the collision is not yet known.
#ValledAosta, ghiacciaio del #Rutor: le prime immagini video del #SoccorsoAlpino dal luogo dell'incidente. Seguono aggiornamenti. pic.twitter.com/tbZ2eXigET
— Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico (@cnsas_official) January 25, 2019